Why I started this site?
Truthfully – I always had this idea in the back of my mind but I always dismissed it. You ask why? Well, I have no idea what it takes to make a website, coding is intimidating when you barely know what is going on or even what is programming! Another part

Guide to understanding the pages
This page is like an index to navigate the site, pointing out the system in which the pages are constructed. 💡FUN Fact: Where I would introduce some interesting facts related to the topic discussed.💭Memory Hack: Where I would write or discuss a hack to facilitate the recalling of certain

5 YouTube Channels that made me SURVIVE my Biology degree!
I truly think that there are many approaches to studying and as modern day students, YouTube is a huge part of our learning experience. So here I share my Top 5 youtube channels that I heavily relied on as a biology major student. These channels made my learning experience more

Things people DON’T tell you about being an Undergraduate student!
When you start university and embark on this journey, there are many things that people don’t tell you. Things that you go through, things that happen to you or simply things you might be exposed to as you are pursuing your academic degree. Whether we admit it or not,

Life as a SENIOR Biology student
Have you ever wondered what happens when you are a senior student on the cusp of graduation? Well you are in luck because this is what this whole blog post is about. Before we dive into it, I would like to point out that to everyone their own experience. Some

How to get A’s even when you don’t study for 4 hours!!
To be entirely honest, it took me lots and lots of trials and errors to figure out the ultimate way of studying. I tried various methods such as the pomodoro, the feynman technique, blotting, mind maps and much more. I discovered that there isn’t one perfect way of studying,

Ever got humbled by a grade you didn’t expect?
(Well, I did and let me tell you how it went!) In one of my other posts Things people DON’T tell you about being an Undergraduate student! I briefly mentioned some fancy term which is the Dunning Kruger effect. It might sound complicated but it’s a pretty simple concept that

Are you on the verge of a BURN-OUT?
Every student’s nightmare is a BURN-OUT especially during exam season or when it’s time to submit research papers. The way you feel disconnected from whatever you are doing while also being in a constant state of confusion. When your mental state is hanging by a thread and let’s

Ramadan Changes for a better SEMESTER ✨
First ever blog post in Ramadan!! Ramadan Kareem Everyone 🌙 Well when it comes to ramadan, a lot changes, especially our sleeping schedules. When we are fasting we might find that attending classes, finishing assignments and taking exams some of the most annoying and time consuming tasks. But what we don’