Every student’s nightmare is a BURN-OUT especially during exam season or when it's time to submit research papers.
The way you feel disconnected from whatever you are doing while also being in a constant state of confusion. When your mental state is hanging by a thread and let’s not forget the emotional toll that you experience.

Well, I once was a university student in a STEM major; nonetheless, I would know something or two about being in a burn-out.
Burn-out is one of those things that you don’t know that you are going through. Not because it’s so hard to point out or identify it is however due to our misjudgment.
When we are burn-out, the first thing that happens is a drop in productivity. Assignments remain undone, quizzes go unprepared for, and lecture discussions are on hold. In normal circumstances, these tasks would be addressed according to their priority and importance. However, when experiencing burnout, tackling them becomes less likely.
Do we see that as burnout? Absolutely NOT! We see it as laziness!!

Rather than acknowledging the fact that all that academic stress and pressure is catching up on us after weeks and weeks of lectures, assignments and quizzes on repeat.
We tend to hold our selves accountable for not getting the deadlines right, not acing that quiz or not being prepared for a lecture.
While being responsible and holding your self accountable for your actions is a great tool for productivity (under normal circumstances), it can actually be extremely negative when in a burn-out.
Who am I? BURN-OUT edition
What are things that you do when you are in a burn-out?
Look for certain indications, for little things even if you think it's irrelevant. Your normal self is different than your burn-out self!
Here is a list of things that I noticed:
- Binge watch movies/TV shows to pass time.
- Sleepless nights and exhausted days.
- Feeling tired and sick all day.
- Stomach issues, headaches and eye irritation.
- Unable to focus on tasks whether it's simple or complex.
- Spend less social time and tend to be isolated.
- Overwhelming feeling of everything and nothing.
- Lose interest in things that I usually find interesting such as reading.
The list could go on, but I don't think you have all day to read through it!

These are SOME of the things that I noticed happen when I am in a burn-out. Sometimes it would only be a thing or two like a headache and insomnia while other times it could be a bit more intense.
Note: burnout can manifest differently on different people.
From burnout to balance
Getting out of a burn-out might not be as simple as getting into one but with these few tips and tricks you’ll hopefully SNAP out of it!
When I had my last burn-out, I wasn’t certain that I would get out of it but as soon as I clarified some things I was able to get out of the worst of it and get into a balanced routine.
- Identify & acknowledge that you are in a burn out - understanding that you are in a burn-out will allow you to direct your focus on it and find ways to get out of it. Rather than being in the dark and keep on labelling it wrong things.

- Remind yourself of your passions - if you are a university student, remind yourself why you are doing this? Why this major? What do you want future you to be? Find that spark and ignite it!

- Set boundaries - studying is important but so is your mental and physical health, cliché I know. But for real, say no when you have a big exam coming but also treat yourself to something from time to time.

- Dedicate social time - you have no idea how similar us students are, if you are in a burn-out chances are that your colleagues are too. So, try to spend sometime and rant about it, release all that negative energy to have space for the positive.

- Prepare a prioritized task list - learn how to prioritize tasks because once you do you'll unlock the ultimate productivity hack.

- Be lenient on yourself - it's okay to have some days when you don't scratch every single thing on your list.

- Reconnect with your hobbies - yeah those things that you do for fun but when you entered university you forgot about them because you have 'no time'. Well, make time even if it is only 10-20 minutes.

Remember that being in a burn-out is not something shameful, it's your mind, heart and body communicating with you that there is something wrong. That there is too much on the plate. Try to listen to your body for indications. The more you resist to acknowledge a burn-out the more time you are going to spend in one.

Be patient with yourself. While, burn-out remains every student’s nightmare you are now equipped with the knowledge to overcome it.
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